OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry
The ACS COMP OpenEye Cadence Molecular Sciences Outstanding Junior Faculty Award program provides $1,000 to up to four outstanding tenure-track junior faculty members to present their work in COMP division at the Spring 2024 ACS National Meeting. The Awards are designed to assist new faculty members in gaining visibility within the COMP community. Award certificates and $1,000 prizes will be presented. Applications for Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards are invited from all current tenure-track junior (untenured) faculty who are members of ACS and the ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry. Researchers at institutions such as national labs that have positions comparable to tenure-track faculty may also be considered. Selection criteria will include the novelty and importance of the work to be presented, CV of the applicant, as well as the level of departmental support as indicated by the applicant's department Chair or Chair designee. Applicants must be a current member of the ACS COMP Division, see the Join COMP page.
To apply for an award for the ACS National Meeting on March 23-27, 2025, San Diego CA, do the following:
1) submit your abstract to the "OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards" symposium on the ACS MAPS system . For this meeting, the award presentations will be held as poster presentations. There is a possibility that the winners will be invited to give separate oral presentations; winners will be contacted at a later date once the organizers know if this will be possible. Check the ACS MAPS deadline in case it is earlier than the COMP awards deadline. Abstracts cannot be submitted to ACS MAPS after the ACS deadline.
2) fill out the application form (CLICK HERE), which also explains how to submit a single pdf document containing: a title, authors and extended abstract of the work (no more than 2 pages), a complete CV (including your ACS member number and confirmation that you are a member of the ACS COMP division) and the signed letter of departmental support. Make sure your CV highlights the details of your accomplishments as an independent researcher, including all articles/chapters/works published (using a * for publications in which you are corresponding author), honors and funding obtained, students mentored, contributions/service to the computational chemistry community and so on. If you include work not yet accepted (in preparation, or submitted), you must place them in a separate list from your accepted or published works. Make sure the judges can easily determine the impact of your independent work as compared to that associated with your prior mentors (clearly note which publications and other products are a result of your independent work).
The deadline for completing both of these items is 11:59PM September 12, 2024, time zone AoE.
Note that the award application for the Spring 2025 meeting is planned for a poster presentation. If you are not selected to receive the award, your abstract will be moved to the general poster session. Please contact ACS MAPS by email to withdraw your abstract if you do not want to give a poster in the event that you are not selected for the award.
For additional information, contact:
ACS COMP Division Awards Committee
The Fall 2024 Winners
Nicholas Jackson: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Dept of Chemistry
Maren Podewitz: TU Wien, Dept of Chemistry
Roel Tempelaar: Northwestern University, Dept of Chemistry
Daniel Tabor: Texas A&M University, Dept of Chemistry
Previous OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry Winners
The Spring 2024 Winners
Ramon Miranda Quintana; University of Florida
Valerie Vaissier Welborn; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Chemistry
Zhongyue Yang; Vanderbilt University, Department of Chemistry
Houlong Zhuang; Arizona State University, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
The Fall 2023 Winners
Anne Brown; Virginia Tech, Research and Informatics/Biochemistry.
Matthias Heyden; Arizona State University, School of Molecular Sciences.
Zhenfei Liu; Wayne State University, Department of Chemistry.
Alberto Perez; University of Florida, Department of Chemistry.
The Spring 2023 Winners
William James Glover; New York University, Shanghai, China. Department of Chemistry.
Yuanyue Liu; The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Materials Institute & Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Richard C. Remsing III; Rutgers University; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
Alexander Yu. Sokolov; Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; The Ohio State University.
The Fall 2022 Winners
Connor W. Coley. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Chemical Engineering.
Kateri DuBay. University of Virginia, Department of Chemistry.
Bryan Richard Goldsmith. University of Michigan. Department of Chemical Engineering.
Justin A. Lemkul. Virginia Tech. Department of Biochemistry.
The Spring 2022 Winners
Bess Vlaisavljevich, University of South Dakota
Giulia Palermo, University of California Riverside
Glen Hocky, New York University
Steven Lopez, Northeastern University
The Fall 2021 Winners
Fernanda Duarte, The University of Oxford, Department of Chemistry
Martin McCullagh, Oklahoma State University, Department of Chemistry
Yinglong Miao, University of Kansas, Center for Computational Biology and Department of Molecular Biosciences
Pratyush Tiwary, University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry & Institute for Physical Science and Technology
The Spring 2021 Winners
Evangelos Miliordos, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Auburn University
Noa Marom, Materials Science and Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University.
Yuan Ping, Department Chemistry and Biochemistry. University of California, Santa Cruz
Konstantinos Vogiatzis, Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee
The Fall 2020 Winners (Virtual Meeting)
Brenda Rubenstein, Brown University, Department of Chemistry, Electronic structure at temperature: Ab initio finite temperature Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo of molecules and solids
Robert A. DiStasio Jr., Cornell University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Enabling large-scale hybrid density functional theory based ab initio molecular dynamics in the condensed phase: Theory, algorithm, and performance
Bin Wang, University of Oklahoma, School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering, Catalysis in Complex Reaction Environment: Insights from First Principles Calculations
Pengfei (Frank) Huo, University of Rochester, Department of Chemistry, Quasi-Diabatic Propagation Scheme for on-the-fly Quantum Dynamics Simulations
The Spring 2020 Winners (Philadelphia, PA)
Emilio Gallicchio, Brooklyn College of CUNY, Department of Chemistry, Formulation and Applications of an Alchemical Theory of Molecular Binding
Igor Schapiro, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Chemistry, Insight into to the Photochemistry of Cyanobacteriochrome Photoreceptor Proteins from Hybrid QM/MM Simulations
Johannes Hachmann, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Advancing Computational Chemistry with Machine Learning: From Physics-Based to Data-Derived Models and Back
Lu Wang, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Symmetry and 1H NMR Chemical Shifts of Short Hydrogen Bonds
The Fall 2019 Winners (San Diego, CA)
Alex Dickson, Michigan State University Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Wepy: A Tool for Exploring Rough Free Energy Landscapes
Jianing Li, University of Vermont, Department of Chemistry, Hierarchical Simulation: Two Different Approaches and Their Applications to Design Complex Biomaterials
Revati Kumar, Louisiana State University, Department of Chemistry, Exploring graphene oxide-water interfaces: A computational investigation
Joel Yuen-Zhou, University of California San Diego Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computational Modeling of Polariton Chemistry
The Spring 2019 Winners (Orlando, FL)
Peng Tao, Southern Methodist University, Department of Chemistry, Quantifying Protein Allostery upon External Perturbation
Steffen Lindert, Ohio State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computational Protein Structure Prediction Guided by Covalent Labeling and SID Mass Spectrometry Data
Sandra Luber, University of Zurich, Department of Chemistry, Advancing computational methods for spectroscopy, catalysis, and design
Marco Caricato, University of Kansas, Department of Chemistry, Characterization of the Optical Rotation in Molecules and Extended 1D Systems
The Fall 2018 Winners (Boston, MA)
Tim Kowalczyk, Western Washington University; Dept. of Chemistry, AMSEC, and Institute for Energy Studies, Photochemistry in complex media: Insights from excited-state density-functional tight-binding
Edward O'Brien, Penn State University; Chemistry, Origins of the mechanochemical coupling of peptide bond formation to protein synthesis
Amish Patel, University of Pennsylvania; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Computational Design of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Diwakar Shukla, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Methodologies for enhanced unbiased sampling of free energy landscapes of proteins
The Spring 2018 Winners (New Orleans, LA)
Heather Kulik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, Strategies and Software for Accelerating Inorganic Molecular Design
Daniel Lambrecht, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, Constructing Optimal Structure-Function Relations Directly from First Principles
Eric May, University of Connecticut, Molecular and Cell Biology, Curvature Based Lipid Segregation and Stability Modulation in Bilayers Containing Cardiolipin and Monolysocardiolipin
Adam Willard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chemistry, Simulating Nanoscale Energy and Charge Transport in Soft Molecular Semiconductors
The Fall 2017 Winners (Washington, DC)
A. Eugene DePrince III, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Large-Scale complete active space self-consistent field methods
Ignacio Franco, Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, Atomistic modeling of electromechanical spectroscopies in molecular junctions
Sereina Riniker, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Replica Exchange Envelope Distribution Sampling (RE-EDS): A robust and accurate method to calculate multiple free energy differences from a single simulation
Christopher Rowley, Dept of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Canada, Determining dispersion coefficients for polarizable force fields using density functional theory
The Spring 2017 Winners (San Francisco, CA)
Marco De Vivo, Molecular Modeling and Drug Discovery Lab, Italian Institute of Technology, Multiscale simulations to elucidate enzymatic processing of DNA and RNA
Thomas Kurtzman, Lehman College, CUNY, Accounting for water in early stage drug discovery and design
Benjamin Levine, Michigan State University, Multireference quantum chemistry and conical intersections at the nanoscale
Bryan Wong, University of California, Riverside, Accelerating real-time electron dynamics calculations of large plasmonic systems
The Fall 2016 Winners (Philadelphia, PA)
Michele Pavanello, Rutgers University, Divide and Conquer the Electronic Structure of Condensed Phases: Ground states and dynamics in real and imaginary time
Sapna Sarupria, Clemson University, Elucidating heterogeneous ice nucleation mechanisms using large scale rare event simulations
Paul Zimmerman, University of Michigan, Discovery of Reaction Mechanisms, Catalysts, and Materials by New Quantum Chemical Simulation Methods
Yosuke Kanai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Electronic Excitaiton Dynamics in Liquid Water under Proton Irradiation
The Spring 2016 Winners (San Diego, CA)
Christine Isborn, UC Merced, Density-functional theory electron density errors in ionization and dynamics
Shikha Nangia, Syracuse University, Enabling transport across the blood brain barrier
Remo Rohs, University of Southern California, High-throughput Prediction of Minor Groove Electrostatic Potential in Studies of Protein-DNA Recognition
Ryan Steele, University of Utah, Accelerating ab initio simulations of molecular motion
The Fall 2015 Winners (Boston, MA)
Meenakshi Dutt, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers University, Design of Multi-Component Shape-Tunable Carriers
Andrew Ferguson, Department of of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computational Design of Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine Immunogens
Yu-Shan Lin, Department of Chemistry, Tufts University, Insights into protein-lipidoid assembly from molecular dynamics simulations
Robert S Paton, Chemistry Research Laboratory, Oxford University, Redefining the rules for ring closure through computations: quantifying substrate and catalyst control with quantum chemistry
The Spring 2015 Winners (Denver, CO)
Arindam Chakraborty, Department of Chemistry, Syracuse University, Development of electron-hole explicitly correlated wave function based method with pseudopotential theory for investigation of optical properties of quantum dot-protein complexes
Rhiju Das, Departments of Biochemistry and Physics, Stanford University, RNA design rules through internet-scale social computing and high-throughput chemistry
Konrad Patkowski, Department of Chemistry, Auburn University, Benchmarking the adsorption energies on carbon nanotubes
Jordan Schmidt, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Physically-motivated first-principles force fields for molecular simulation: Theory and applications
The Fall 2014 Winners (San Francisco, CA)
Gregg Beckham, National Renewable Energy Lab, National Bioenergy Center, How the walls come crumbling down: Elucidating mechanisms of cellulose-activating enzymes using molecular simulations
Zoe Cournia, Department of Pharmacology, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens, Targeting membrane interfaces for computer-aided drug design and drug delivery applications
Thomas Markland, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Quantum fluctuations in hydrogen bond networks: from atmospheric science to enzyme catalysis
Lee Woodcock, Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Affordable multiscale free energy simulations
The Spring 2014 Winners (Dallas, Texas)
Andrés Cisneros, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, Development and implementation of accurate polarizable potentials for condensed phase simulations
Xuhui Huang, Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Markov State Models to Elucidate Conformational Dynamics of Multi-body Systems
Svetlana Kilina, Department Chemistry & BiochemistryNorth Dakota State University, Modeling Conditions for Charge Transfer in Functionalized Quantum Dots
Francesco Paesani, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, “First principles”-based approaches for molecular simulations in the condensed-phase
The Fall 2013 Winners (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Julien Michel, EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Quantifying biomolecular hydration thermodynamics
Rommie E Amaro, Department of Chemistry, University of California - San Diego, Enabling Chemical Discovery through the Lens of a Computational Microscope
David J Masiello, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Elucidating the Signatures of Fano Interferences in Electron Energy-Loss and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopies via Multiscale Electrodynamics Simulations
Jiri Vanicek, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, Increasing the Efficiency and Accuracy of Ultrafast Time-Resolved Electronic Spectra Calculations with On-the-Fly ab Initio Quantum Dynamics Methods
The Spring 2013 Winners (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Jim Pfaendtner, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Molecular Simulation of Biomolecules in Non-Aqueous Media
Adam Wasserman, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, Partition Energy Functionals: Avoiding the Delocalization Error of Approximate Density Functionals
Steve Wheeler, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M, Dissecting electrostatic potentials: Understanding anion/π interactions and the nature of electron-deficient arenes
The Fall 2012 Winners (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Gregory Beran, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, Practical prediction of molecular crystal structures and properties from first principles
Jerome Delhommelle, Department of Chemistry, University of North Dakota, Unraveling the mechanisms of crystal nucleation and growth at the nanoscale
Michael R Shirts, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, New methods for thermodynamic analysis and sampling of molecular simulations
Yaroslava G Yingling, Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Tuning DNA structural bending with charged nanoparticles
The Spring 2012 Winners (San Diego)
Patrick Charbonneau, Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Monte Carlo Algorithms for Studying Microphase and Cluster-Crystal Formers
Lasse Jensen, Department of Chemistry, Penn State University, Understanding and controlling molecule-plasmon interactions
Xiaosong Li, Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Washington, Energy-specific Linear Response TDHF/TDDFT Method for Calculating High-energy Excited States
Joseph E. Subotnik, Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Surface Hopping Predicts The Incorrect Scaling for Marcus’s Electron Transfer Rate: Why Decoherence Saves the Day
Note: Prior to 2012, the award was titled the HP Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
The Fall 2011 (Denver) winners were:
Christine Aikens, Kansas State University
Elizabeth Amin, University of Minnesota
Jianhan Chen, Kansas State University
Alberto Striolo, University of Oklahoma
The Fall 2010 Winners (Boston)
Arjan van der Vaart, Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Information flow in biomolecules
Feng Wang, Department of Chemistry, Boston University, Mimicking Coarse-grained Simulations without Coarse-graining
John Herbert, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, Excited-state quantum chemistry for macromolecules and condensed phases
Allen Aspuru-Gudzik, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation for Chemistry
The Spring 2010 Winners (San Francisco)
David Earl, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, Monte Carlo Cluster Algorithms to Enhance Conformational Sampling in Solvated Systems
William Noid, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, The generalized Yvon-Born-Green theory for extended ensembles: A framework for calculating transferable potentials from known structures
Garegin Papoian, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Physico-Chemical Modeling of Actin Polymerization In Vivo
Jana Shen, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, A novel theoretical method to uncover residue-specific information for the denatured states of proteins
The Fall 2009 Winners (Washington DC)
Chia-en Chang, UC Riverside, Multi-scale Simulation Methods for Protein Dynamics and Synergistic Regulation of Enzyme Complexes
Jose Gascon, University of Connecticut, Integrating Electronic-Embedding QM/MM approaches with implicit electrostatic solvent models
Donald Hamelberg, Georgia State University, Accelerated Molecular Dynamics in studying long-timescale biomolecular events
David Mobley, University of New Orleans, Computational predictions of binding affinities
The Spring 2009 Winners (Salt Lake City)
Aurora Clark, Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Force-Field Development for Heavy Elements Using Ab-Initio Data and the Force Matching Method
Aaron Dinner, Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Chicago, Enhanced sampling methods for molecular systems far from equilibrium
Alexey Onufriev, Departments of Computer Science and Physics, Virginia Tech, A new generation of analytical tools for biomolecular electrostatics
Edward Valeev, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Practical Many-Body Methods For Computational Thermochemistry, Kinetics, and Spectroscopy
The Fall 2008 Winners (Philadelphia)
Lillian Chong, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, Atomistic simulations of a two-domain protein switch: mechanically-induced unfolding of one domain by the other
Pengyu Ren, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Development of polarizable force field for ions
Ravi Radhakrishnan, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Dynamic Coupling Machinery in DNA Polymerases: Discovering Hidden Nano-Modules in Biomolecular Function through Theory and Simulations
Artem E. Masunov, Nanoscience Technology Center, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, Comparison of Sum over States (SOS) and Coupled Electronic Oscillator (CEO) formalisms used for computational design of Two Photon Absorbing materials with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
The Spring 2008 Winners (New Orleans)
Micah L. Abrams, University of Central Arkansas, Determination of absolute configuration in solution
Orlando Acevedo, Auburn University, Advances in potentials of mean force methodology for organic and biological simulations
So Hirata, University of Florida, Predictive electronic and vibrational many-body methods
Shuxing (King) Zhang, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, Integration of a bioinformatics approach to high-throughput docking and its application to the discovery of novel TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) inhibitors
Wei Yang, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Problem Oriented Sampling Design Towards Quantitative Biomolecular Simulations
The Fall 2007 Winners (Boston)
Thomas Cheatham, University of Utah
Jhih-Wei Chu, University of California Berkeley
Sandeep Patel, University of Delaware
Robert Rizzo, Stony Brook University
The Spring 2007 Winners (Chicago)
Ray Luo, UC Irvine, Scaling in biomolecular hydration: A critical analysis of implicit solvents
Nathan Baker, Washington University, Modeling membrane potentials: when does discreteness matter?
Michael Feig, Michigan State University, Implicit modeling of complex cellular environments
George Kaminski, Central Michigan University, Computing pKa shifts of turkey ovomuvoid third domain (OMTKY3) residues with a polarizable force field
The Fall 2006 Winners (Atlanta, Georgia)
Hendrik Heinz, University of Akron, Department of Polymer Engineering, Force Fields for Inorganic Components in Hybrid Systems
David van der Spoel, University of Uppsala, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Protein Folding Properties from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Henryk Witek, National Chiao Tung University, Department of Applied Chemisty, Relativistic parameterization of the SCC-DFTB method
Anatoly Ruvinsky, University of Kansas, Center for Bioinformatics, Novel statistical-thermodynamic method for computation of protein-ligand binding entropy: docking test with 11 scoring functions