Submit your COMP abstract for the Denver ACS meeting (spring 2015)

Post date: Oct 24, 2014 12:49:57 PM

Pondering if you should submit an abstract to a COMP symposium for the Denver ACS meeting (March 22-26, 2015)? You definitely should but time is running out.

COMP abstract submissions close at 11pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. Brief instructions on submitting your abstract using MAPS ( ) are provided here. Late abstracts will not be accepted.

The COMP Division is a multidisciplinary organization with members from almost every ACS division. Please consider submitting an abstract to:

  • Computational Study of Water
  • Drug Discovery (ADME/Tox, Informatics, Ligand-based, Methodology, Structural Bioinformatics & Target-base)
  • Materials Science
  • Membranes
  • Molecular Mechanics (Applications, Electrostatics & Polarization, Force Field Development, Methodology, and Proteins)
  • Quantum Chemistry (Applications, Methodology, and Quantum Dynamics & Monte Carlo Simulations)
  • The COMP Poster Session

You can still apply for the NVIDIA GPU Award! The submission deadline is the same as above: 11pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. Submit your abstract via MAPS ( ).

We hope that you are able to present your work at the Denver ACS meeting and thank you for your time!

The COMP Programming Board

Emilio Xavier Esposito

Maciej Haranczyk

Eric V Patterson

Daniel Sindhikara

Yufeng Jane Tseng

Scott A Wildman

PS: Do you want to organize a symposium within COMP at the San Diego (spring 2016) or Philadelphia (fall 2016) ACS National Meeting? We would be happy to hear your idea for a symposium!