The COMP abstract submission date for New Orleans will be updated later this week
Post date: Oct 12, 2012 12:25:00 PM
The ACS abstract server is down. More information, when it becomes available, will be posted on the COMP website
( ) and on Twitter ( ).
The COMP Programming Board would like to remind you that abstract submissions for the COMP technical program at the New Orleans ACS meeting will be updated later this week. Authors can submit their abstract via .
Information about COMP events at the New Orleans ACS Meeting (April 7-11, 2013) can be found at the following links:
COMP Symposia at the New Orleans ACS meeting
COMP Awards at the New Orleans ACS meeting
Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award for Graduate Students
OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry
Peter Kollman Graduate Award in Supercomputing
Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award
Graduate Student and Post Doc Image Contest
Submitting an abstract for the New Orleans ACS meeting and Presenter Information
Organizing a symposium within COMP at a 2014 ACS National Meeting
Thank you for your time
The COMP Programming Board
Emilio Xavier Esposito
Michael Feig
Maciej Haranczyk
Eric V Patterson
Yufeng Jane Tseng
Scott A Wildman
Follow us on Twitter! @acsCOMPprog