COMP Programming Board News

Post date: Oct 10, 2012 3:01:45 PM

I want to thank all of COMP’s organizers for the Philadelphia ACS meeting for organizing another great set of COMP symposia. The COMP Programming Board hopes that everyone who attended the Philadelphia ACS Meeting enjoyed the organized symposia.

The COMP division benefits from its active and diverse membership and this is evident by the Member Invited Symposia for the New Orleans and Indianapolis ACS meetings. In order to help you plan for the 2013 National ACS Meetings, the following abstract submission deadlines for COMP’s technical program have been set.

New Orleans (spring 2013, April 7-11, 2013)

Abstract submission closes: Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Invited symposia:

Indianapolis (fall 2013, September 8-12, 2013)

Abstract submission closes: Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Invited symposia:

In an attempt to provide more timely information, COMP’s technical programming information is being provided on the COMP website – we are “Computers” in Chemistry after all – and is continually updated. COMP Programming news posts (accessible from your favorite RSS/atom reader ) are also tweeted via @acsCOMPprog ( ). COMP Programming started using Twitter at the San Diego ACS meeting as a way to inform the ACS community about upcoming COMP talks for each half-day. Follow us for important COMP Programming news @acsCOMPprog !

At each of the National ACS Meetings the COMP division provides the opportunity to have research highlighted through various symposia and awards. At the New Orleans meeting the COMP Award Symposia are:

  • The Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award (Talk)
  • Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award (Poster)
  • Hewlett-Packard Outstanding Junior Faculty Award (Poster)
  • Peter Kollman Graduate Award in Supercomputing (Poster)

I believe that the COMP technical program presented at all ACS Meetings should “be by the members and for the members”. If you are interested in organizing a symposium (currently accepting symposia for the Dallas and San Francisco 2014 national meetings) or presiding over a session, please contact me (emilio.esposito AT; +1.517.639.0684; Skype: emilio.xavier.esposito) to discuss your idea for a symposium or volunteer your time to preside/moderate a session.

Emilio Xavier Esposito

COMP Programming Chair