Join COMP today!
Become a new COMP Division member or change your membership status by using the on-line form or calling 800.333.9511.
Division membership is free for the first year! Membership dues are currently:
ACS Member $22.00
Retired/Emeritus* $20.00
Student Member** $10.00
Society Affiliate $22.00
Outside US, add $8.00 for postage
* Who is eligible for EMERITUS STATUS in your Division? Members who have retired from industry or academia.
** Who qualifies for STUDENT Dues? A person in a Degree-seeking program. Post Doctoral Work is not eligible for the student discount.
Individuals interested in the use of computers as tools to solve problems in chemistry and related physical and biological sciences are invited to join the COMP Division. Although the primary focus of the Division is theoretical and computational chemistry, the scope of the Division is broad and interdisciplinary.
COMP includes: artificial intelligence, experimental design, and molecular modeling in the fields of agrochemicals, materials science, medicinal and organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers and theoretical chemistry.
The Division monitors developments in computer hardware, software, and networking and keeps its members informed of new applications in chemistry via symposia and workshops at the National Meetings. The Division promotes undergraduate and graduate student participation and in particular provides travel grants for graduate students to present their work at National Meetings. The COMP division currently has almost 2,000 members.
Benefits of Membership
The Computers in Chemistry Division brings together scientists who are interested in artificial intelligence, experimental design, and molecular modeling in the fields of agrochemicals, materials science, medicinal and organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers and theoretical chemistry. Further information is available on the following topics.
Benefits of Membership include:
Career advancement/recruitment opportunities through professional development and networking opportunities, including a mentor network (sign up here)
Opportunity to present papers at National and Divisional Meetings
Access to abstracts of papers presented at the National Meetings
Recognition for your contribution to the advancement of chemistry (often in the form of awards)
Ability to apply for ACS COMP Division awards open only to COMP members
Educational and professional opportunities, including mentor lunches, speed networking, COMP meet-ups
Scientific and technical idea exchange that spark new and exciting directions in your work
Access to the latest trends in areas of special interest
Input on upcoming symposium topics
Early notice of upcoming events
30% discount on books from Oxford University Press