Call for abstracts at the Denver ACS meeting (spring 2015)

Post date: Sep 26, 2014 3:58:30 PM

You are invited to submit your abstract to COMP's technical program for the Denver ACS meeting (March 22 - 26, 2015). The abstract submission now uses Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS; ) by ScholarOne™ and while it will be different we believe it provides a better user experience. Because MAPS is new to all of us, we strongly encouraged you to submit your abstract early for the Denver meeting. By submitting your abstract early, any problems can be handled quickly and easily. COMP abstract submission is currently open via MAPS and closes for COMP division submissions at 11pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

Brief instructions to help you submit your abstract using MAPS ( ) is provided here:

Member Contributed Symposia

The Computers in Chemistry (COMP) Division is a multidisciplinary organization with members from almost every ACS division. Please consider submitting an abstract to:

  • Computational Study of Water
  • Drug Discovery (ADME/Tox, Informatics, Ligand-based, Methodology, Structural Bioinformatics & Target-base)
  • Materials Science
  • Membranes
  • Molecular Mechanics (Applications, Electrostatics & Polarization, Force Field Development, Methodology, and Proteins)
  • Quantum Chemistry (Applications, Methodology, and Quantum Dynamics & Monte Carlo Simulations)
  • The COMP Poster Session

COMP Awards

The deadline to apply for the graduate student and junior faculty awards is midnight EDT Friday, October 10, 2014. Please follow their respective links for information on how to apply.

Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award for Graduate Students

OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry


Please note that the submission deadline for the NVIDIA GPU Award is 11pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

We hope that you are able to present your work at the Denver ACS meeting and thank you for your time!

The COMP Programming Board

Emilio Xavier Esposito

Maciej Haranczyk

Eric V Patterson

Daniel Sindhikara

Yufeng Jane Tseng

Scott A Wildman

PS: Do you want to organize a symposium within COMP at the Boston (fall 2015), San Diego (spring 2016), or Philadelphia (fall 2016) ACS National Meeting? Let us know and we'd be happy to hear your idea for a symposium!